The Equitable Evaluation Framework™ is a set of
Principles, Orthodoxies, Mindsets, Tensions, and Sticking Points.

EEF Principles are foundational guideposts to advance equity and challenge singular type of truth, knowing, and evidence.

The Orthodoxies are deeply held beliefs that get in the way of advancing the Principles.

The Mindsets, Tensions, and Sticking Points
provide support in traversing the Orthodoxies.
Generally, the Orthodoxies, and their related and highly nuanced attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, policies, and processes, surface themselves in response to new ideas related to advancing the Principles in practice. These moments surface, and often stall, the change process. The Mindsets, Tensions, and Sticking Points provide entry points for conversation and connection and opportunities for reflection, reflexion, and realignment.

* ChangeElemental, formerly MAG
*** D’Cruz, Heather & Gillingham, Philip & Melendez, Sebastian. (2005). “Reflexivity, its Meanings and Relevance for Social Work: A Critical Review of the Literature.” British Journal of Social Work.